Building a Career in Education Scholarship: Tried, True and New Approaches!

Dr. Patrica O'Sullivan
Dr. Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD

Building a Career in Education Scholarship
: Tried, True and New Approaches!

This presentation will draw on Dr. O’Sullivan’s journey to establish a career in education scholarship while working in the health professions. She will reflect on how this career path has evolved and changed through stories of other health professionals who are incorporating education scholarship into their academic career path. 

By the end of the presentation participants will:

  • Assess the value of a focus area as they build their career.
  • Examine how networks and mentorship influence this career path.
  • Identify next steps for themselves in building their career in education scholarship.

Earn 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ by attending. This presentation is fully virtual. For more information on the presentation and Dr. O'Sullivan, view the full flyer here.

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Sponsored By: The SMHS CFE Academy of Education Scholars